Monday, March 11, 2013

So Many Things "To Do"

I can't count how many times I've told myself there just aren't enough hours in a day to accomplish everything I set out to...that it's just not possible to accomplish certain goals without more time.  It's sort of a general theme in my life, if I'm being really honest with myself, but I don't think I'm the only person living this way.  The "lack of time" is really just a cop out (unless you're running a Fortune 500 company or raising a newborn), there is always more time.  So, I've recently decided to start reintroducing the "To Do" list into my life!  In some ways I'm very much an anti-structure kinda guy, but there is something to be said about a little self discipline that comes in the form of a sheet of paper and some ink.

Do you remember being a kid and getting so frustrated when teachers would assign you weren't completely capable of finding a place to plop your own butt each day in class.  However, and I doubt I'm only speaking for myself here, as soon as you were old enough to choose your own seat I'll bet money something interesting happened.  I bet you chose the same seat every day & I even bet it made you a little uncomfortable if you arrived to class one morning & someone else was actually sitting in "your" seat.  How weird is that?  I think this happens in part because we, as humans, tend to want what we can't have.  We don't like feeling like we're being controlled, even though when we're left to make our own choices, we actually do to ourselves what we couldn't stand our teachers doing to us.  The fact of the matter is that we need structure in our lives...WE LOVE IT.

The "To Do" list is a tool I use to bring some structure into my daily routine and for me, it gives me a sense of accomplishment every time I check something off of it.  As a matter of fact, I can't wait to finish this blog just so I can draw a red line through #12..."Write a blog."  Sorry guys, you didn't make my top 10, but doing my laundry was clearly more important (you'd understand why if you could've smelled my hamper).  I've had a lot of free time since losing my job, but never really utilized it fully until I started structuring my days.  Now don't get me wrong, I think it's still important to devote a certain amount of time each day to YouTubing videos of adorable babies laughing or watching Beyonce parodies, but with the "To Do" list all you have to do is schedule it and you won't feel like such an asshole for wasting time, because you're actually staying on task!  The list is what you make of don't be afraid to put into writing what you really want.

Just to be clear though, if you spend your entire day watching Beyonce videos you will, of course, better a better human being for it, but you might also be a little bit on the crazy side.  I recommend putting a few things on your list each day that maybe you've been putting off or just didn't think you had time for.  Hold yourself's actually pretty fun!  Having said that, and as much fun as I've had sharing my random ass thoughts with you all, it's time for me to move on to #13...."Reorganize spice cupboard!"  I CLEARLY have an exciting life...just living the dream in LA!!!  ;-)


  1. If you a buy a spice rack.... you won't have to organize the cupboard. I just saved you some more time to put more on your to do list... like build a spice rack. :) (I reposted so you could see my picture)

  2. Lol love it...thanks for the tip!
