Friday, January 4, 2013

Missed Shots

It's a new year and according to social media, every single person I know is about to own the world in 2013!  I understand the need to feel important and relevant and I'm just as guilty as the next guy for letting the world know how #BLESSED or #MOTIVATED I am, but in all honesty if those things were really an ever present reality in our lives, would we really need to constantly let everyone know?  And why is it that we all wait for "occasions" to make meaningful, positive changes in our lives?  "I'll start my diet on Monday."  "When I turn 30 I'm really going to hit the gym."  "2013 belongs to me!"  It's all just so weird to me, yet here I am blogging about it on social media...go figure.

I don't have all the answers to life's greatest mysteries and I can't tell you if you're going to lose 400lbs this year or make your first 50 million, but I do know this.  Since I was a young (and incredibly adorable boy), I've felt different.  Curious about the world, destined for greatness and uhappy with the status quo.  I've never been a fan of blending in and to this day cannot understand why anyone would ever want to simply exist in this world...but I do understand why it happens.  FEAR.  "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself."  Aren't those the famous words of wisdom FDR shared with us all those years ago? (I was NOT alive yet...just so we're clear)  For my "pretty" friends...FDR was an American President ;-)  I'm not sure where or when I first heard it, but I've known that quote since I can remember and just like so many things in life, I've never really taken the time to think about it...until now.

FEAR separates the boys from the men, the thinkers from the doers, the watchers from the active participants.  FEAR keeps entire nations at bay, it keeps societies from progressing, but most importantly it keeps US from growing as individuals.  I remember reading one time that Michael Jordan missed over 9,000 shots in his career.  9,000 SHOTS!!!  That's insane to me, but you know what it really means?  HE MADE ALMOST 9,000 SHOTS!!!  He ended his career with a shooting percentage around 47%, but do you know what his percentage would have been if he hadn't taken any of those shots because he was too afraid?  ZERO.  That sounds so obvious, but think about it and apply it to your daily life.  How many times have you had a dream or an urge to try something new, but decided against it because you were afraid what others might think of you or because you simply couldn't envision your dreams becoming a reality?  I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess I'm not the only guy with unfinished business.  So instead of making broad proclamations for a 2013 that will be the greatest, most extraordinary year of all time (or at least that's what others will think because you'll let them know via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter), why not try something new?  Maybe try tackling your fears, no matter how big or how small they may seem to you.

If you've always wanted to write a book, even if it never gets should start writing.  If you've always wanted to ask a certain someone out, but have been too should ask.  If you aren't happy at your job and dream of something more...take a leap of faith and send out that resume.  You don't need to know how you're going to reach a goal, you simply need to set it and focus on it and the rest will fall into place.  It's the simplest and yet the most complex concept.  I have to remind myself almost daily that I need to be fearless and get out of my own way so that I can accomplish my dreams.  No one else in your life needs to understand and if they are not supportive, drop them!  I know how harsh that sounds, but it really is that simple.  Set honest goals, be very clear about them and be fearless.  I often explain the concept like a cross country road trip.  You know where you're going, but not exactly sure how to get there...but that doesn't stop you from turning on the engine.  When night falls you may not be able to see what's 100 yards ahead, but then again you don't need to.  Keep moving in the direction of you destination and the headlights will show you where to go.

I know I haven't blogged in a while and I'm usually charming, hilarious and charming (that was not a typo), but sometimes I think some straightforward chit chat is what we all need.  I'm pretty sure this blog is more for me than for any of my tens and tens of readers...but I'm cool with that.  I'm on a damn budget and this shit's way cheaper than therapy!  So just believe in yourself, know that you are extraordinary, dream big and give those dreams a might just surprise yourself ;-)


  1. Joining the tens and tens of readers. I love this post. No Fear is my mantra.

  2. Haha thanks for the's the only way to live! Thanks :-)
